Opening Mind and Heart:
Practical Applications of Buddhist Psychology
with Lama Lakshey Zangpo Rinpoche
Tuesdays, March 11, 18 & 25th, 2025
6:30 pm pacific | In person & online
More information coming soon...
What is Dana?
In traditional Buddhist culture, dharma teachings are offered freely and students offer dana (donations) in an amount that is suitable for them. You are welcome and encouraged to offer dana generously within your ability for any retreat or online teaching you receive.
What is an appropriate amount for Dana?
If you’re wondering how much to give, please consider what you might pay for similar classes & sessions offered with a set fee. Please also consider your own income and the proportion of it you can reasonably spend on teaching. Most importantly, dana should come from the heart in a spirit of gratitude and generosity.
NOTE: Code refers to country phone code. The code in the US is the number '1'